Dogs on our Trails
We welcome dogs who are under their owner's control at all times.
We love to walk our dogs in the woods--who doesn't? However, we do ask that dog owner follow some basic guidelines, which extend beyond simple etiquette. Good stewardship means that we need to reduce user impact on the Powder House Hill Trails, even the impact of canine users.
The Canine Code of Conduct
Good dogs are always welcome on our trails. What does a good dog look like?
- It comes when called or is kept on a leash.
- It does not approach or chase trail users or other dogs.
- It does not chase wildlife, whether as small as a squirrel or large as a deer.
- It does not bark excessively at critters or other trail users.
- Its manners are more important than its friendliness.
A thank you to all the furry friends who follow our canine code of conduct!

Responsible Owners are the Key
Our favorite dog owners always make sure to
- Have a leash and a baggie handy.
- Remove pet waste from the trail network.
- Keep their dog in visual range
- Rember that friendly dogs can frighten or injure other trail users, even when their behaviors are playful.
- Keep up on regular veterinary care
Considerate, safe and responsible dog owners improve the experience of Powder House HIll Trails for everybody!
Before you visit, please ask yourself:
- Does my dog come when called?
- Will my dog chase wildlife?
- Will my dog chase trail runners or mountain bikers?
- Do I have enough bags to scoop the poop?
- If my dogs bolts, do I have the fitness, navigation skills and time to pursue and restrain it?
- Is my dog large enough to knock over a hiker, even in a friendly act of play?
We find that most problems in our woods can be solved with a leash and a plastic bag. Thank you for keeping both handy.
Ultimately, the responsibility for dog behavior lies with the dog owner, not the land managers.

"A person who is assaulted or threatened with bodily injury by a dog or a person witnessing such an assault or threatened assault against a person or domesticated animal or a person with knowledge of such an assault or threatened assault against a minor, or a person whose property or crops have been damaged by a dog, within 30 days of the incident, may make written complaint to the sheriff, local law enforcement officer or animal control officer that the dog is a dangerous dog or a nuisance dog. For the purposes of this chapter, "domesticated animal" includes, but is not limited to, livestock as defined in section 3907, subsection 18-A.
A representative of the sheriff's department, a local law enforcement officer or an animal control officer appointed by the municipality shall investigate and document the complaint. Upon completion of the investigation of the complaint, the investigator may issue a civil violation summons for keeping a dangerous dog or a nuisance dog."
In the unfortunate event of conflict or injury, trail users and abutting property owners are encouraged to call Animal Control to help our volunteer board maintain a safe environment for all users.